Forrestdale Research
WW1 Medal Index Cards
WW1 Causes of Discharge (Para 392 of King's Regs)
WW1 War Diaries
Rolls of Honour
Tips on Identifying WW1 Uniforms
WW1 Campaign Medal Photos
1914-1915 Star
British War Medal
Victory Medal
List of Regiments in WW1
The Lon
don Gazette
Articles from Navy and Army Illustrated
Tommy Atkins Married
Army Lists
Mentions in Despatches
Purchase of Commissions
H G Hart
Map of Edinburgh
Churches of Edinburgh
Parish Maps of Scotland
Gretna Rail Crash
Memorials at Rosebank
Name Panels at Rosebank
List of Names
Memorials at Gretna
Links to Useful Websites
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